EU & Citizen Participation

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Volt believes that a lot of issues are the same all over Europe (or even beyond) and need a European response. Therefore it would make sense to move competences from a national and regional, or even a local, level to the EU.

Also, more and more citizens are turning away from society and policy. The number of people with an anti-government attitude is increasing. Citizens feel badly represented by their elected representatives and find this problem important, as studies show. Moreover, an important source of frustration is that citizens have no impact on policy between two elections. This dissatisfaction is as great at the regional as at the federal level.

Our topics on EU & Citizen Participation

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De 5 + 1 uitdagingen in Europa volgens Volt

Volt heeft 5+1 fundamentele uitdagingen gedefinieerd die in elk Europees land en in heel Europa moeten worden aangepakt.

De 5 uitdagingen zijn in principe hetzelfde voor elk land, maar de implementatie kan worden aangepast aan de nationale context en rekening houden met lokale realiteiten. De +1 uitdaging - ons voorstel om de EU te hervormen en te versterken - is identiek in alle landen.