Our political themes

Empowering cooperation across generations and borders, we are shaping a European story of positive politics. Our approach transcends national boundaries, as we draw inspiration from the best European practices - including Utrecht's cycling infrastructure, Barcelona's urban planning and Vienna's model for affordable housing.

Explore our key points listed hereunder.

Our political themes

Mobility & Infrastructure

Volter riding a bike with a flag saying

Public transport

  • The Belgium Transport Renaissance: Tackle railway capacity bottlenecks and develop tramway networks in small and mid-sized cities and suburbs

  • Affordable unlimited railway access for €250 per year

  • Night trains in Belgium: 24/7 connection between larger cities, following the example of the Dutch Randstad

  • Expansion of European high-speed network and international sleeper trains

Smart & sustainable mobility

  • High quality pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, learning from Utrecht's approach

  • Congestion tax on car traffic within cities with a robust tram network

City planning

  • Affordable housing policy like in Vienna, ensuring accessibility for young people as well

  • Sustainable spatial planning: Meeting WHO targets on air pollution, green spaces and physical activity

Miscellaneous infrastructure

  • 100% 4G-coverage and 75% 5G-coverage in Belgium by 2030

  • Improved water infrastructure and reduced concrete surface to prevent droughts and floods

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Economy & Fiscal Justice

Euro logo in Frankfurt

Tax shift

  • Encourage employment: A substantial increase in the tax-free allowance and the work bonus

  • Shifting the tax burden from labour to polluting and harmful practices, such as phasing out the fiscal benefits for company cars

  • VAT reform: A 0% rate on healthy food, sports, and green mobility, and a 25% rate on tobacco, alcoholic beverages, and unhealthy food

Fiscal justice

  • Increase efforts to fight corruption, tax fraud, tax evasion and social fraud

  • A variable corporate taxation of 15-35% (current rate: 20-25%), depending on performance factors like employment, climate neutrality and human health (ESG)

  • Reduced tax burden for single individuals, for instance by eliminating the marriage coefficient

Future of work

  • Pilot projects for a four-day workweek, similar to those in Ireland

Circular economy

  • Beneficial and reliable loans for businesses in the circular economy, government-backed

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Energy Transition & Climate

Hands carrying earth in nature

Climate neutrality by 2040

  • Meet the Paris Agreement commitments and achieve climate neutrality by 2040 in Belgium & Europe, by significantly cutting greenhouse gas emissions in all sectors, including transport, residential heating, industry, and agriculture

Biodiversity & agriculture

  • Embrace natural carbon sinks like forests and offer fiscal incentives for sustainable agricultural practices such as permaculture, regenerative agriculture, and syntropic agriculture

Energy transition

  • Keep as many existing nuclear reactors open as long as possible, as long as it is technologically feasible and safe

  • Repeal the law that forbids future nuclear energy

  • More solar & wind energy, especially where space-efficient

  • A better integrated energy grid for Belgium within the EU

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Education & Equal Opportunities

Library in Ireland


  • Equalize learning opportunities in education

  • Provision of free healthy school lunch meals

  • Free before and after-school childcare services

  • Promotion of lifelong learning through improved awareness of opportunities and more paid leave for participating employees

  • Promoting collaboration between umbrella organizations ('koepels') to achieve cost reduction through enhanced efficiency, with the ultimate goal of phasing them out

  • Empower teachers in their profession

Equal opportunities

  • An inclusive society as an essential ingredient for a healthy Belgian democracy, including widely accessible public services for everyone

  • Addressing inequality in both policy-making and all diverse aspects of life, for instance, through the implementation of practical tests

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EU & Citizen Participation

Traffic sign with

European cooperation

  • Strategic expansion of EU competences

  • Abolish the European Council veto rights

  • Establish a strong common European defense

Citizen participation

  • Experiment with citizen's assemblies, for example on the local level

  • Right to petition in the Flemish and Walloon Regions

Electoral reform

  • Implementation of all-encompassing electoral constituencies:

  • One regional electoral constituency for each regional election (One Flemisch constituency & one Walloon constituency)

  • One federal electoral constituency for the Belgian federal elections

  • Transnational electoral lists for the European elections

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  • Discover where you can vote Volt for the local elections of 13 October on our overview page